Sunday, October 26, 2008


Today was Nyack's Annual Halloween Parade. I am told its the largest outside Greenwich Village and I can personnally attest that its pretty darn large. Max's circus troupe participates (The Amazing Grace Circus) and they were first in line for the parade (a prime spot I must say!) no doubt due to the work of Carlo and Janet, the seemingly inexhaustible two people who manage the group.

Here's the group just before we began the parade -

There were lots of terrific costumes. Here's my choice for first place, although they didn't win I thought they were totally fabulous. And let me emphasize when you look at this, these costumes were totally handmade! It's Jack and Sally from "The Nightmare Before Christmas".

And finally, here's Max and I -
Fun, but I was glad to get home and take off my shoes!