Saturday, April 5, 2008

Matchbox Twenty. Absolutely one of my new favorite bands. I came to them lately after skipping over about 10 years of the music industry. Luckily we never spent money on CD's, we went directly from audio cassettes to digital. Having a baby will do that.
I saw MB20 at the Garden and didn't intend to go alone, but, I did. Actually, I'm glad it worked out that way. I don't know many people who are interested in standing, dancing for a two hour concert. How anyone can sit while Rob Thomas is jumping around singing is beyond my ken.
And why music and glass? Because everyone needs a muse to create and keep them energized, particularly those us of who perhaps are cube farm folks. Some lampworkers watch TV or video, I listen to rock and roll.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Fab-u-lous Carolyn