Saturday, April 23, 2011

You did WHAT to your eyebrows?

So, as part of the usual yearly maintenance thang - dentist, doctor, candlestick maker - I decided to get my eyebrows threaded. Say what? It's this foreign import that now, just like nail salons, has shops cropping up all over Manhattan. I went to Perfect Brows near Lincoln Center.

I have been using Rapid Lash on my eyelashes and eyebrows. I have always had a divot in my right eyebrow from over plucking in high school (yes, 40 years later it had never grown back). Using Rapid Lash for about a month I have seen a small improvement; I actually do have a bit of hair regrowing.

So here I am with my unruly brows

The one on the right comes to a peak at the top and they are kind of blah shape. You can't see in the picture but I have a bit of white hair coming in too.

I had my brows threaded and tinted. Honestly, the threading barely hurt. Much less painful than waxing and a whole heck of a lot faster than tweezing. Of course, as always, having anything done to my left brow makes me sneeze like crazy. It's a bit weird having the whole thing done - you are in a chair tilted so far back you are practically upside down. You feel the lady doing her thing, but can't see anything until its all over. Happily I was very satisfied with her work.

Here's right after it was finished

You can see I am a bit red and the brows are REALLY dark. They put on the dye and you have to leave it on for a couple of hours. Yikes! I felt a bit like Joan Crawford as I walked down 9Th Avenue to the Port Authority.

The next day I still think my brows are a bit dark but with some makeup on my son gave them the thumbs up.

I am very happy with the shaping and will go back in a couple of months to get them "cleaned up".

A thumbs up from me too.

1 comment:

The Knitted Brief said...

Hilarious! I fill my eyebrows in every morning never thought of doing anything more permanent.