Saturday, August 16, 2008

Maroon 5

Several of you know that Maroon 5 is one of my favorite bands. They have some fabulous videos out (Like "Wake Up Call") and I love the pop sensibility of it all. I got a chance to see them live the other day at Bethel Woods Center for the Arts. I highly recommed Bethel for a show, although you need to plan for a 20 minute hike to and from the car, this is a serious large place in the middle of friggin' no-where-ville.

A 10 mile drive through the back country, past a resort spot for orthodox (be careful with your driving!) and then a number of topless bars. The bars included "Johnies" which boasted SPORTS TV AND TOPLESS, so it must be male heaven or something. Here's the band doing "She will be Loved" which Adam Levine dedicated to all the women in the audience (no big surprise there Adam).

Be aware there really is an "unofficial" dress code (really a dress-down code). Not only was I the ONLY woman wearing a skirt (of approx 5,000 people) but I was in high heeled booties and burnt out velvet to boot. One of the young guys working there complimented me on my look and told me I was the image of a "caberet performer". Mmmmm. What can you do when you stick out like the sore thumb? Hold your head up and sashay that ass like you mean it!

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